Society for Underwater Technology

* Separate registration fee required


Tuesday, April 16, 2024
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Plan to attend this one-day seminar designed to provide education on the key elements of subsea tiebacks (subsea, umbilicals, risers, flowlines), areas of technology development, and decarbonization solutions. For registered professional engineers, this course counts for six (6) professional development hours.  NOTE: Additional registration required.

Presented by: SUT
The Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) is a multidisciplinary learned society that brings together organisations and individuals with a common interest in underwater technology, ocean science and offshore engineering. The society has branches in the Eastern Mediterranean and other offshore energy-producing regions around the world.

Theme: Overview of Subsea Systems 

Introduction - Sue John - Vice President of the Society for Underwater Technology

Session 1 - Setting the Scene - Mike Efthymiou - Professor of Offshore Engineering, University of Western Australia

Subsea Developments from reservoir to host 
•    Project examples 

Session 2 - Subsea Elements  - John Charalambides - Technical Services Director, Fameline Energy Ltd.

Description of major subsea systems, equipment, and their installation  

•    Wellheads
•    Subsea Christmas Trees  
•    Subsea Manifolds
•    Jumpers & Connectors
•    Control Systems
•    Umbilicals & Connections
•    ROVs / AUVs

Coffee Break (estimated 11:25-11:45)

Session 3 - Pipeline, Riser, and Moorings Systems - Mike Efthymiou - Professor of Offshore Engineering, University of Western Australia and Lakis Andronicou - Oil and Gas Consultant

 Design parameters and analysis 
•    Metocean 
•    Moorings 
•    Risers

Design and installation aspects 
•    Steel pipelines 
•    Flexible flowlines and risers

Lunch Break (estimated 13:00-13:45)

Session 4 - New Subsea Technologies - Mike Efthymiou - Professor of Offshore Engineering, University of Western Australia

Increasing recovery and improving safety   
•    Subsea compression   
•    Subsea separation and boosting   
•    Digital twins 

Session 5 - Introduction to Offshore Wind Energy - Mike Efthymiou - Professor of Offshore Engineering, University of Western Australia

Offshore renewable potential 
•     Fixed and floating wind technology 

Session 6 - Close Out and Questions - Sue John - Vice President of the Society for Underwater Technology

Lakis Andronicou John Charalambides Mike Efthymiou Sue John